May you laugh in peace!

July 15, 2009 at 11:06 am (Uncategorized)

I’m really quite funny 140 characters at a time!

I think my personality, one driven by quick quips (say that 3x fast) has finally found an outlet in the form of social media.  Not being a stand-up comic, my “humor” has lived its life at cocktail parties and gatherings.  Jen can be counted on to say something out there or irreverent at just the right moment.  And thus, while I don’t FEEL like a funny person, it is how I am described.

Finally, technology has caught up to my wit and I can be universally appreciated for being able to say something really stupid at just the right moment.  I can ruin keyboards trans-continentally as friends spit out coffee, soda, water or even gin & tonics after reading one of my 140 character comments.

But which platform do I focus on?  Twitter is the easiest way to reach thousands but it is just a smidge superficial for me.  Honestly, I don’t care if you ran out of toothpaste this morning nor do I need to be the absolute first to know an eight-inch tsunami pounded the shores in New Zealand.

No ma’am, it is Facebook which has captured my imagination.  I like to exchange ideas… think and  joke (laugh and cry) with my “friends”.

(Honestly, I wish FB had used a different term because I define the word differently but for this blog it is not important.)

I love the exchanges… on any given day I can be comparing myself to Lucille Ball or Hunter S. Thompson.  We can be kibitzing (did I spell that right) about the broken political system in California AND Bugs Bunny… and I have very deep opinions on both subjects.

(Do you think they are doing the “Duck Season – Wabbit Season” routine in Sacramento in a closed door session right now?)

Best of all, I have gotten to know some people who I truly like and rediscovered people who impacted my life in the past.  It’s all good!

Facebook takes some amount of time to build your community… certainly less than it would take to sit down to a glass of iced tea with each and every one of my friends.

For me, time has become a commodity more valuable than a Barrel of Oil or even Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice.  I will willingly trade it in for a good laugh on Facebook.

May you all have at least one gut-laugh every day,


1 Comment

  1. Bella said,

    Great blog…I am a complete FB, Twitter, myspace and blog addict. I like being able to reconnect with people and finding new friends too. LOVE you lots, Jen!!! xoxoxo

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